To be transferred successfully, a file must be converted to a form that the receiving computer can deal with. This menu contains your conversion options.
ZMODEM file transfers send the name of the file as part of their setup information. This menu provides options for converting the Macintosh filename to something that a different computer system can deal with.
This shows the name that will be transmitted as part of the ZMODEM header. If you are sending MacBinary, the real filename will still be stored in the file.
When the tool receives a file using the ZMODEM Text option, it needs to pretend to the Finder that a Macintosh program created it. Pick a program from this menu, or 'Other…' to select a different program.
This shows the creator ID for text files the tool creates. You can enter a creator here or change it by selecting from the menu to the left.
When the tool receives a file using the ZMODEM Binary option, it needs to pretend to the Finder that a Macintosh program created it. Pick a program from this menu, or 'Other…' to select a different program.
This shows the creator ID for binary files the tool creates. You can enter a creator here or change it by selecting from the menu to the left.
When the tool receives a file using the ZMODEM Binary option, it needs to tell the Finder what kind of data it contains. Pick a data type from this menu, or 'Other…' to locate an example document of the correct type.
This shows the file type for binary files the tool creates. You can enter a type here or change it by selecting from the menu to the left.